
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sweet Sunday Chillin'

It's time for this week's Sweet Sunday Sketch Challenge, SSSC111. I flipped the sketch to suit the image I wanted to use.

The last two Sundays I did springy cards so I thought I'd switch it up and go back to winter! In fact, I'm trying a little reverse psychology on Mother Nature! LOL!!! I've fallen a little behind on my Christmas-card-a-week but this one adds one more to my stash for Project Christmas 2011. This is card #11.

The image is Just Chillin' Snowman from Whipper Snapper. He's stamped with Memento Tuxedo Black onto choice snow white and coloured with copics. I popped up the hat, sign and heart for dimension. For the snow I did a layer of white liquid applique and sprinkled on some glitter before heating it.

I drew in a little frame around the image, a la Jodi, and added three light blue Twinkles. I love this effect! The patterned papers are from Echo Park's Wintertime collection, paired with blue bayou and kraft. For the snowflake embellishment I used a combination of MFT snowflake die-namics and my Martha Stewart snowflake punch, then topped it with a clear Bella glitter dot for sparkle.

I hope you'll play along with this week's sketch and link your creation on Karen's blog. Now it's time to go hopping and see what the rest of the Sweet Sunday Stampers came up with.
Dana White
Jen Tapler
Lynn Put
Sarah-Jane Kale'
Vicki Burdick
and Karen Giron

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Still one of my favorite snowmen! Love the border with the bling too!

  2. Love this snowman. Too cute! It's nice to see an unexpected wintery card.

  3. He's so very cute - sadly you could easily make him here today!!!

  4. Super cute Karen, Hope your reverse psychology works!!! Love that snowman in a bucket, the whole card is a total WOW!!!!!

  5. I DO hope your reverse psychology works on Mother Nature. She' been quite snarky lately! Thi card i adorable! The image make me smile!

  6. WOW is this ever a FUN card! I love this adorable image and what you've done with it (I NEED to get this stamp now)! I think Mother Nature is on vacation cause it's snowing here today :(

  7. Card #11 in the SSSC111 in 2011....freaky! :) LOVE him - you already know that. I can't believe how perfect your stitching is in a CIRCLE??!! Love the "Jodi" line as it will forever be known as now!!

  8. Great card for me. Love all the Christmas and winter cards. Plus I am a glitter queen so have to have bling somewhere on my winter cards and most others. You did well gf. Hugs.

  9. Oh So cute Karen!! Love the BG paper and the snow is the perfect touch :)


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