
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sweet Sunday Season

It's time for this week's Sweet Sunday Sketch Challenge, SSSC88. You'll find the sketch on Karen Giron's blog, The Sweetest Thing.

 I continued with my Christmas theme from last week for my card today and inked up my newest Who's That Girl set from MFT, Winter in the City. I picked her up a couple of weeks ago in the VIP package but didn't have a chance to get her inky until now. I paired her with papers from my Cosmo Cricket Mitten Weather mini deck. I have to say, purple and red are not colours I would normally pair together but I really love the end result! I added white liquid applique to the trim on her coat and covered the snow with sugar Sparkly fluff. The lanterns have a little shine thanks to my clear Glaze pen.

I used my snowflakc die-namics and layered purple and cream then topped it with a cream brad. The black ruffled ribbon (which I picked up from the MFT booth at CHA) has been sitting patiently on my's so pretty that I haven't wanted to use it, but I indulged myself today. I love love LOVE the saying on this's a little tough to see in the photo on the patterned paper, but it reads "Take time to enjoy the season". I think we could all take that advice to heart more often!  :-)

I hope you'll play along this week and link your creation on Karen's blog. Now let's go see what the rest of the Sweet Sunday Stampers created with today's sketch.
Jen Tapler
Joanne Basile
Laura Fredrickson
Lynn Put
Sarah-Jane Kale'
Vicki Burdick
and Karen Giron

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. This is darling! I love those MFT stamps and those snowflakes are yummy! The ruffly ribbon is such a cool accent, love it!

  2. Fantastic, Karen! I love that image too! Just received it earlier this week with my MFT VIP package. You know how shipping is to me...blech!
    Love the sparkle and ruffled ribbon!!

  3. This is just GORGEOUS. I love the black ruffly ribbon - and your snowflake cluster. SWOON! Beautiful project!

  4. Fabulous card Karen! I love these colors, the ruffly ribbon and layered snowflake!

  5. Adorable card Karen, love the ruffled ribbon down the side!!

  6. this is soooooooo cute!! love it:)
    happy thanksgiving:)

  7. I seriously gasped girlie...your card is beyond adorable. The ruffle ribbon, the liquid applique and your amazing coloring...just beautiful in every way.

    Hope you have a fab weekend ~ hugs & smiles!

  8. Oohhh!!! GORGEOUS!! Love the ruffle, the snowflake.. actually I'm jealous of the snowflakes!! (don't get snowflakes here.. I know.. boo hoo!!) hahaa.. and love that stamps... GORGEOUS.

    xx Sarah

  9. Ah my BFF this is fabulous! Once the wing heals I have to ink up this set!

  10. Wonderful! You always add such fun details! Love the sparkly fluff and those snowflakes are perfect!


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