
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sweet Sunday Get Well

It's time for this week's Sweet Sunday Sketch Challenge, SSSC89. You'll find the sketch on Karen Giron's blog The Sweetest Thing.

I was pretty liberal with my interpretation of the sketch this week, which is unusual for me, but hey, that's what happens when you want to use a specific stamp, right? My parents started their roadtrip home yesterday (it'll take them a few days of driving) and today they're stopping to visit a friend who recently had knee surgery, so I thought it would be nice to send along a get well card.

My mom really loved the Pure Innocence line from MFT when I showed her the images and we decided on Best Medicine. She's stamped with Memento Tuxedo Black onto Choice Buttercream and coloured with copics. I paper pieced her apron with a pattern from October Afternoon's Fly a Kite pad. Instead of just stamping the sentiment onto a rectangle, I deviated from the sketch and paired it with the new Polka Dot Greetings Die and Stamp Set Duo. The little nurse is acting as my "scallop" accent...I know, it's a stretch, but I really love how this turned out! I used my scalloped scallop die on some PTI Ocean Tides felt for a little accent of blue and finished the card with a couple of buttons.

I hope you'll play along this week and link your creation on Karen's blog. Now let's go see what the rest of the Sweet Sunday Stampers created!
Joanne Basile
Laura Fredrickson
Lynn Put
Sarah-Jane Kale'
Vicki Burdick
and Karen Giron

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. How adorable is she? Way too cute and a fabulous take on the sketch!

  2. Karen, this is awesome girl! I LOVE the colours you have used! So bright and fun and cheerful!
    It's sure to cheer someone up!
    Hope your parents have a safe trip home!

  3. Brilliant take on the sketch! Adorable image colored to perfection! Love it! ♥
    p.s. the word verification thingie below is typoo. how funny! :)

  4. What a great get well card!!! I love your take on the sketch and the bold colors you used with this cute image!

  5. Love this Karen, your coloring IS always perfection! Glad you joined me as a rebel this week!!! Love ya girly!!

  6. Get out with your bad self you REBEL!! This is freakin' adorable!!

  7. Oh, how CUTE!!! Love these fun colors! :)

  8. How sweet Karen..This is sure to cheer up a friend... The little nurse image is so adorable. Love the paper piecing..Cute little card!!

  9. What a fun card Karen, it sure to cheer up your friend! Hope your parents have a safe trip home. Have a great week...hugs!

  10. GOSH, this is TOTALLY PERFECTLY cutenessy CUTE! Love your layout and how you used polka dot greetings. LOVE!

  11. Karen this is Pure Sweetness!! Love those colors - it's a retro feel and I love it! :)

  12. See I knew you would want the polka dots - I almost want to need a get well card this is so cute; wait my injured wing....

  13. Oohh.. such a rule breaker.. bwhahaha!!!

    LOVE this and your interpretation of the sketch.. well that is nothing short of BRILLIANT!!!

    Absolutely GORGEOUS

  14. Karen, this is so cute! That little nurse is just adorable! XOXO

  15. Amazing in every way. LOVE the colors, love the mixing of stamp sets - it is totally precious!

    Your card is being featured on the MFT Blog today as part of Our Favorite Finds!

  16. This is seriously MAGNIFICENT my friend! LOVE the colors/papers and your embellies are PERFECTION!!


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