
Thursday, April 29, 2010

I Miss You...

I whipped up a quick little card a few minutes ago and instead of waiting I thought I'd share it with you right now. When I was blog surfing earlier today there were a few challenges that caught my eye and I've combined them on this card.

The first is the Three Cheers for Chairs challenge on the Moxie Fab blog. What a perfect excuse to use my new Chair-ished set from Papertrey. Then I saw a new challenge blog, The Papertrey Paper Dolls and their first challenge was a sketch (I'm too late to link my creation to the weekly challenge but that didn't stop me...really, you're never too late to play along with any challenge if it gets the creative juices flowing, right?). And finally, my friend Jeanie has a Krafty Thursday feature on her blog and I decided to jump in and use kraft cardstock on my card today, in honour of her! Phew...that's a good mix of challenges in one card. I hope you'll play along in a challenge that gets you stamping just for fun!

I had so much fun making this card though! It came together super quick and the paper piecing was easy peasy. I liked to combination of papers I used yesterday from my Green at Heart 6x6 pad so I used them again for this card. The floor is a stamp from the set then I just coloured it in with copics. Probably the longest part of the card was stitching the ribbon into pleats, but even that only took about 5 minutes. The buttons coordinate perfectly because they're Basic Grey buttons. It's funny, I have a LOT of buttons and when I bought these I KNEW I didn't need them, but I wanted them, so I bought them, and I'm so happy I did because they coordinate perfectly!!!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. More fabulous paper piecing! Great card!

  2. This is fab. Love the seemingly random but oh so perfectly co-ordinated buttons!

  3. So cute, Karen!! Love the kraft and your ribbon treatment!!

  4. Sweet card! Love the paper pieced chair! :)

  5. Cute! Love the colours and simplicity!

  6. Wow Karen, do I love this! I have the same set....but you have made it innovative and beautiful!

  7. Oh, I love that set. I want it so badly... you might just have pushed me over the edge with this SWEET card!

  8. Very cute! Love that funky chair!! :)

  9. Is that the cutest chair and in the cutest pattern! LOVE the colors of your entire card.

  10. This is such a cute card! I'd love to have a real chair like your adorable paper pieced one!!

    Paper Crafts Go-to Gal
    Betsy Veldman

  11. Hey Karen! Thanks for entering the Three Cheers for Chairs Challenge in the Moxie Fab World! :)


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