
Saturday, April 10, 2010

For an Awesome Teacher

I'm having SO much fun playing with the new teacher inspired sets from Taylored Expressions, Make the Grade and Extra Credit.

And you know what the funniest thing is???...we don't have any children, so no teachers to give these to!!! I find it incredibly ironic, but I've decided to keep creating with these sets and give the fruits of my labour to my friend, who does have school age children with teachers who'll appreciate the handmade creations.  :)

For my card today I inked just the desk from the desk/blackboard image in Make the Grade. The layout is this week's Taylored Expressions Sketch Challenge, TESC108. The image is stamped with Memento Tuxedo Black onto Choice Buttercream then I cut it out with rectangle Nestabilities. The image is coloured with copics and layered onto some kiwi kiss that I cut out with my beloved Big Scallop Rectangle Nestabilities.

I wanted to stick with school themed papers so I hunted through my "far too large" stash of paper and found my Cosmo Cricket The Boyfriend mini Deck which is absolutely perfect with the pencils and everything! I backed the patterned papers with a square of Prism Island Mist Dark then stitched around each of the panel. I adhered everything to the 5 inch square Buttercream card base and added two kiwi brads to finish it off.

Now my biggest decision is which image to use next!  :)

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. This is just gorgeous, Karen! I'm sure your friend will really appreciate all of your awesome teacher cards!

  2. This is so clever. I hope no-one ever asks me for a teacher card, I wouldnl't know where to start!

  3. Karen, this is AWESOME!!!! Awesome, I tell ya!!!

  4. This is perfect for a teacher, well done ho!

  5. Karen, this is GREAT! I totally LOVE this layout too!

  6. This is awesome!! Love it..I am horrible at making teacher cards...and I have kids!! LOL!

  7. This card is nothing short of awesome Karen. Love, love, love the layout and your excellent choice of paper! Your friend is so lucky to be the recipeint of your cards for teacher:))

  8. This is AWESOMEEEEEE!!! (Picture me signing that!) LOOOOOVE this Karen!

  9. Hello Ms. Karen! Thanks for participating in the TESC108 sketch challenge! Your card was selected as one of our Top Crops this week! I love your combo of patterned papers with the desk image from Make the Grade! You can check out the announcement here:

    And here's a link to the Top Crops badge if you'd like to display it on your blog:

  10. I feel in love with these sets too and love how you used them. Thanks for sharing!


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