
Monday, February 23, 2009

It's a Happy Neighbourhood

OMG...I still can't believe I'm a Bellarific Babe!!! If you missed the announcement from Em last Friday, you can check out the details right here on Bloggabella. I'm already a huge Stamping Bella fan, and I was honoured when Em asked me to be a Bellarific Babe. I've listed the rest of the Babes on my sidebar in case you want to check them out. Ok...on to the card now. 

Doesn't this look like such a happy neighbourhood! Sunny houses, little birds, funky trees...I think I'd like to live there.  :)

The image is from Stamping Bella, Happy Neighbourhood. I have a small confession about this card though...I made it quite some time ago. Ahem...actually, just before we moved to the US back in June. I was colouring the images on the plane when I flew back and forth for the house transaction. Have copics, will travel! {{{grin!}}} Actually, I made a bunch of these with the good intentions of sending them out to family and friends as moving announcements with our new contact info. Needless to say...time ran out before I could ever get them written and addressed, so everyone got an email instead...sigh. 

This was when I first got my copic markers and I didn't quite know how to shade the way I do now, so don't look too close at the image. I have no idea which colours I used on this image, sorry. The cardstock base is so saffron and the patterned paper is retired SU. I love the purple, yellow and green combination. For a little bling I added three 7mm charcoal bonbons from Stamping Bella. They seem to add just the right amount of sparkle.

Don't forget that Bellarific Fridays are back! Em is posting this week's challenge today on Bloggabella so pop over there to see what it is and play along.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. It's fun, it's bright, it's cheery - just what we need to see now......can I say, "Enough with the snow!!!!" Congrats again my Bellarific Babe friend!

  2. you will be an excellent bella babe!! this is a great card!!!

  3. Oh Karen, we always knew you were a Babe.....
    Congrats on the official title :)

  4. Hi Karen, another Bella stamp that I want!! Love your card and I LOVED what you did with the red/purple, the flowers and vase were AMAZING!!

  5. This is a perfect move, welcome to the neighborhood, I won the lotto and bought real estate card!!! Any of these would work! Well done Babe!

  6. Congratulations on your Bellerific DT assignment!!! love this fun house card!

  7. Congratulations on your new "babe" status! We always knew you were one - LOL!


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