
Sunday, January 2, 2011

MFT Teaser-Frosty Fun

It's day four of MFT previews and today I'm sharing the sweetest little skater from Frosty Fun. All the new releases will be available in the MFT Boutique on Tuesday, January 4th at 10pm EST. There are two prize giveaways every teaser day so for the best chance of winning be sure to leave some love on each of the participating team member blog posts, then check the MFT blog for winners the next day.

For the past couple of years I've been on a mission to make one holiday card per week, all year long. That way I'm not swamped with mass production come December. I'm happy to report that this is my very first holiday card for 2011!!! Yippeee!!! Anyone want to join me in this challenge for 2011??? Wendy??? LOL!!

She's stamped with Memento Tuxedo Black and coloured with copics. I think she's even brighter IRL than on the computer screen too, but I just love her! I added some sparkle to the dots on her hat and her skate blades with a couple of Spica glitter pens. The out-of-the-box-hat-thing worked so well for my I Love Us card a couple of days ago that I decided to repeat it here. But I'll give you a little tip...I don't worry about cutting around the hat so it doesn't get cut off by the nestability. I simply cut off the top of the hat with the nestie then paper pieced a new one right over top...super quick and easy!

The patterned paper is Doodlebug Winter Wonderland and some of the snowflakes are sparkly IRL. I used my small scallop border die along the bottom edge and embellished the card with layered snowflakes that I cut with my let it snowflake trio die-namics (which are currently out of stock).

Be sure to stop by Kim's blog for a complete list of all the designers previewing sets today. I know there will be a slew of eye candy!!! Oh, and don't forget to mark your calendar for the release party on the Release Party Thread on Splitcoast, Tuesday from 8-10pm Eastern.

Today is the last day for the January Guest Designer contest. Be sure to have your project uploaded by 10pm EST tonight!! Read all the details on this thread and get could be playing along with the MFT team for the February release, and trust's a whole lot of FUN!!!

See you tomorrow for the last day or teasers!
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Fun little "frame" and love the colors!! very cute!!


  2. she's adorable- and I LOOOOVE the paper piecing tip!

  3. OK, that is one LOUD and SUPER AWESOME CARD!!! I JUST used those same pink copics and ended up covering them up with GLITTER!!! LMAO But that DB paper... I KNOW my LSS has some and I am RUNNING there tomorrow after work and gettin some!!!!!!


  4. Love it! The colors are wonderful! :-)

  5. Great colors. I just picked up some of this bright pink color and was wondering how to play with it, and now I know! Beautiful card.

  6. I'm in LOVE with this card. It is so bright, cheery, and PERFECT. Every detail is beautiful and it just pops off the page. :)

  7. Love all the colors on this - it's so bright and cheerful.

  8. I love how you have the little girl's hat pop over the scallop border. Very clever and gives a great 3-D effect.

  9. awww, you've made her so very cheerful!

  10. How do you get your inspiration each week for each card? I know I have noticed you doing the holiday cards since I've followed your blog for sometime. Just curious what gets you motivated with each creation and do you have 52-53 images to choose from or do you find you duplicate them occasionally?

  11. Karen, this is super adorable. I love the bold fun colors!!! Cant wait for this release!!!

  12. So cute! Love your bright and happy colors! Thanks for sharing!

  13. Love the colors ... so festive and refreshing! :)

  14. Love this card. The colors are wonderful. For 2011 I am making card sets for my co-workers and will be including some Christmas in there.

  15. Gorgeous card! I love the bright colors! Thanks for sharing which copics you used!

  16. the colors you used for this little cutie!!

  17. fabulous card design and colors with the new image

  18. you've chosen such bright and cheery colors for your card.....great job! laura j

  19. Aaaaaagh, this is SO stinkin' cute! LOVE her, love the whole card, the colours, the hat, the sparkly, LOVE it!!

  20. Love all those happy colors, Karen! So sweet!

  21. Love the bright cheery colors! Great tip on just cutting the hat off and adding a new one!

  22. Awwe she is so cute too!!! Love the pretty snowflakes and great color combo!

  23. She IS bright, but come next December, we'll all be wishing for some bright, cheerful colors! Your coloring is fantastic!

  24. Love the bright colors!!! Perfect little bit of "sunshine" for the cold gray winter!

  25. I love the bright, non-traditional colors of this! Cute! Thanks for sharing! :)

  26. the colors bright and cheery made me smile this a.m.

  27. She is adorable and the colors are so cheery.

  28. congrats Karen on becoming Jan guest designer! I luv the bright colors you used...makes the card so cheerful!

  29. So cute Karen! Love the bright cheery colors!

  30. Happiness IS hot pink! I love non-tradtional holiday cards - sure to make someone smile!

  31. The colors are gorgeous and I 'm just in love with the collection how sweet is this.

  32. Colorful and fun!! I love it!! Great card :)

  33. This is pretty and fun all in one, awesome image and great coloring, thanks for sharing your talent, and thanks for stopping by! : )

  34. How cute! And what a great idea! I would join the challenge...& I just might! lol!

  35. She is really sweet - I love her toque and the bright colours

  36. OMG! I LOVE the fun and festive colors that you used. So adorable! Thanks for sharing with us today during the hop. :D

  37. the frame is very cute... love the colors.

  38. Oh I love the 'pop' you have here. Nicely done.

  39. I really like the cheerful colors you used.

  40. love this card and the tip about piecing the hat! TFS

  41. love it! Very cheerful!
    Sandra ltb

  42. soooo cute! love that die behind the main image and the snowflakes...well, I love those, too.

  43. I LOVE the bright fun colors on this! She is WAY too cute!!

  44. This is SO sweet! I love these bright, happy colors!

  45. I love her blue skates. I'm envious. And, I'm also envious that you're already working on Christmas cards. You smartie!


Your comments make me smile! Thank you!