
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sweet Sunday Emelia

Happy 4th of July!!!!
It's time for this week's Sweet Sunday Sketch, SSSC76. You'll find the sketch on Karen Giron's blog The Sweetest Thing.

For today's sketch I didn't make a card, instead I decorated a DVD tin. You see, for my flying lessons I need a notepad in the cockpit so I can take notes on weather and airport conditions for take-off and landings, and being a stamper, I couldn't just bring a plain notepad with me. So I cut down a junior legal pad and tucked it into an empty DVD tin.

I've been waiting to decorate it until my Emelia stamp from Kraftin' Kimmie arrived, and I'm happy to report that she landed in my mailbox on Friday! So I inked her up with Memento Tuxedo black and coloured her and the plane with copics (the little bi-plane image is included with Emelia). I cut her out so I could add in some clouds behind her (I cut them with my cloud trio die-namic from MFT) and I popped her on foam tape for dimension. The patterned papers are from October Afternoon's Fly a Kite 8x8 pad. I used a couple more of the scallop die-namics for the scalloped strip then added plenty of Crystal Twinkles around the plane. I'm not sure how well this will stand up to use over time, but it sure is cute to carry around right now!

On the inside I added a simple pouch for my medical certificate (but I'm showing it with cream cardstock because that would be too much information...LOL!) and jazzed up the note pad with a strip of patterned paper. I swear, that strip of paper was made for the notepad because I didn't cut it down at all...that was exactly the size of the strip I had left! I picked up an extra lesson today and we're flying to Martha's! I'm excited because I've never been there and yet I live only an hour from Cape Cod.

I hope you'll play along with this week's sketch and link your creation on Karen's blog. Now let's go see what the rest of the Sweet Sunday Stampers created.
Jen Tapler
Joanne Basile
Lynn Put
Nancy Riley
Sarah-Jane Kale'
Vicki Burdick
and Karen Giron

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I LOVE this! Can't wait to hear all about your flying adventures!

  2. This is AWESOME!!!! And that little stamp even looks like you. :D

    Can't wait to hear all about your adventure.

    xx Sarah

  3. You do realize that ALL the pilots will want one of these! That is SUPER cute....super, super cute and I can just see you walking to your plane with it. BTW, glad to see your medical certificate shows you with a "clean" bill of health! :)

  4. Wow I'm totally impressed not only with the fact that you're taking flying lessons but with this adorable tin! It's perfect and such a great idea! I love it!

  5. What a perfect notepad holder for all your flying adventures

  6. WHAT? Flying lessons? I am SO out of the loop! How exciting is that?? I hope you have a wonderful trip! This is so you - I love the clouds!

  7. Hi Karen perfect card, so fabulous.
    my husband is taking flying lessons too.ENJOY.
    hugs chris xx

  8. Nothin' like flyin' in style! Super cute!!!!

  9. A very sweet card! Beautifully coloured.


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