
Friday, December 18, 2009

Happy Bellarific Birthday Dana!!!

Today is my BFF Dana's birthday and a few of us are doing a little blog hop, sending her BIG cyber Birthday Wishes!!! But, it's also Friday so that means it's Bellarific Friday! What a perfect combination for my Bella Babe friend!

The Bellarific challenge this week was "Faux or Sew"...add a little stitching to your project for some handmade charm. Sewing...NO problem...I LOVE sewing on my cards!!! Actually, I think I'm kinda addicted to it! I used last week's Splitcoast sketch, SC258, for the layout.

I started by stamping Triple Decker Presents from Stamping Bella with Memento Tuxedo Black onto Bella's Bestest Paper. Then I coloured it with copics and cut it out. I added some sparkle and shine with my clear Glaze pen and a green Spica glitter pen. I pulled out my Bloom and Grow paper...I can't believe how much of this I have left...good thing I still like it! I stitched the dark patterned paper to some Pumpkin Pie (that's Dana's fave colour so I just had to incorporate it!) before adhering it to the white card base. Then I pulled together a couple more patterned papers, mixed in more pumpkin and added plenty of stitching for the focal panel. The scallop border was done with my beloved apron lace punch. The image is mounted on foam tape and I added a scattering of Glitter dots for a little more bling.

For more birthday wishes please stop by the blogs of these talented ladies: Janet, Wendy, Nancy, Charlene, Michelle and Joanne. Dana will have her Bellarific card posted today too so pop over and wish her a big Happy Birthday!

And, don't forget to stop by Bloggabella to see all the "Faux or Sew" creations from the Sistahood. While you're there, leave some love...your comment could win you $10 Bella Bucks!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Karen this is FABULOUS!!!! I love the layout and popped up presents! Great coloring and stiching!!

  2. She will love this! Look at your sewing, fantastic! Thanks for including me in the hop!

  3. Fun, fun card!! Great paper and colors!

  4. Cute! I really like all the bling and how you placed it!

  5. This is totally FAB Karen! LOVE these colors together!!

  6. Thanks so much my BFF what a nice surprise to come home too! I have to say it rained a little while in Cuba but I still managed to sit by the pool and have a few cocktails!!

  7. I SO love the colors in this card. So bright and cheery! Too cute!


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