
Monday, November 9, 2009

Thankful For You

I can't stop using the fabulous Celebrate Life set from Taylored Expressions!!! With US Thanksgiving quickly approaching (I still can't get used to Thanksgiving in November...I'm so used to it being in October in Canada) I thought it would be appropriate to create a 'Thankful For You' card.
Maybe I should mass produce this one and send it out to everyone I'm thankful for! Wait a sec...that would be a LOT of cards!!! :)

I started by stamping the pumpkin with Memento Rich Cocoa onto Choice Buttercream then I cut it out with circle Nestabilities. I coloured the pumpkin with copics and added some shimmer with my orange Spica glitter's subtle, but you can see it if you look near the brown lines. I stamped the leaf with old olive, cut it out and popped it for dimension.

The colour inspiration came from the fabulous fall papers in my Basic Grey Indian Summer 6x6 paper pack. My card base is Choice Buttercream then I layered some Prism Birchtone Dark and Prism Herbal Garden Medium. I used one of my many EK border punches on a strip of Prism Sunflowers Medium before tucking it under the patterned paper. I finished the card with some gold/brown Zva Crystals, a strip of ribbon from my stash and two vanilla brads.

Who are you thankful for?

Thanks for stopping by!!!


  1. This is GORGEOUS my friend! The papers and colors are so warm and I LOVE the bling! Your coloring is awesome (Oh...didn't I say I would stop saying that???) LOL!!

  2. Beautiful! I'm thankful for YOU, my friend, and your awesome, creative talent that you share with us!!

  3. AMAZING coloring and I loooooove the bling!! Too cool!

  4. Thanksgiving is such a special time and there is so much to be thankful for...for salvation thru Jesus and the continued grace of God in my life; a wonderful husband and family, our country and freedoms, my stamping buddies...and the list goes on and on. Thanks for the beautiful card and reminder to be thankful!
    Jan Castle

  5. Love the unexpected bling on your Thanksgiving card. Lovely. :)


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