
Saturday, September 5, 2009

Taylored Expressions Release Day and the Birthday Bash!

Today's the day when the new sets and key ingredients are available at Taylored Expressions!!! It's a fabulous day just because of that, but it's even better since it's the big Birthday Bash for Cuppie!!! More on that in a minute though because first I have to show you the fourth brand new stamp set for this release, Punchy Potions. It's a set of four ovals that coordinate with the large oval Nestabilities and four small circles that fit in the 3/4" circle punch.

Taylor found these wicked potion bottles...aren't they SO cool!
For the bottle on the left I was going for a simple look, perhaps something mass-produce-able (is that a word?!?) for say a class of school children or another small group. I stamped the image with Memento Tuxedo Black directly onto sticker paper (in the Punchy Potions Bundle). I gave it some quick colour with copics, cut it out with scissors and stuck it to the bottle. I added a green glimmer twill bow and one of the small circle images to the top of the cork. Isn't it awesome how the circle images fit perfectly on the corks!!!

For the bottle on the left I was going for more detailed work, with plenty of layering. I didn't use sticker paper on this one but instead I stamped the images directly onto Intense Orange and Frosted Kiwi papers then cut them out. I layered them onto a black scallop oval. To really make the spider web pop I went over the lines with my black Glaze pen. Then I went a little crazy and actually cut out the spider (yes, all his legs too!) and popped him for dimension. I wrapped a belly band of Basic Grey Eerie patterned paper around the bottle before adhering the image to the bottle.

This set is perfect for more than just bottles though so I also created a card. I used SC244 for the layout.
I used my Halloween Key Ingredients for this card. The image is stamped with Memento Tuxedo Black (don't you just LOVE that's a little flirty and perfect for the "good witch? bad witch?" sentiment!) onto Choice Snow White and coloured with copics. I stamped it a second time, cut out the witch legs and popped them for dimension. I used my black Glaze pen again on her dress and on the dots along the border. The image is cut out with large oval Nestabilities and layered onto Intense Kiwi then onto a scallop of Black. I stuck another of the spider brads (LOVE them!) from the Spooky Expressions Bundle onto the bow for a little more Halloween creepiness.

Here are the copics I used on these projects.

And the fabulous Punchy Potions Bundle.

And now for the Taylored Expressions Birthday Bash info. We're celebrating Cuppie's 1st birthday with challenges and prizes all day long on the Stamp A Sweet Impression blog. Challenges will start at 8am PST and a new challenge will be posted by one of the Baker's Dozen every hour. You have until Wednesday, September 9th at midnight PST to link your projects to their respective challenges on the SASI blog. Please visit this post on the SASI blog for all the details and I hope you'll play along with us! You're not required to use TE stamps for the challenges. This is a peek at the sample I created for my's a sketch challenge and it'll be posted at 9am PST. See you on the SASI blog!

I'm sure you'll want to see more great ideas with Punchy Potions so hop over to the other Baker's Dozen blogs.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I am in LOVE with your projects Saucy! IN LOVE I tell ya! Your potion bottles are totally rad, but I LOVE your card...all the dimension and of course, your ROCKIN coloring ROCK my world!!

  2. I just LOVE these, Karen! Your potion bottles are awesome!

  3. Super cute, Saucy! Love how you used the spider brad on your ribbon. And I want some candy corn! I think now that my projects are photographed I'm gonna empty out my bottles and eat all the candy! Shhhhh... don't tell! I'm sure I'll refill them soon! :)

  4. Look how cute those bottles are with candy corn! So much fun! Your card is just so fab - loving the popped up witch!

  5. what a great card & potion bottles! love your coloring on her fashionable outfit! don't you just want to dress up like a sexy witch this year? I bet you would make a great one!

  6. AWWWWWE-SOME!! Love the spider brad on the web, and the layout of your card is so cool with that loop punch!

  7. Great projects, Karen -- love the layout and papers on your card and that spider web really pops, it was worth the extra effort!

  8. Cute, cute, cute! I love all your fantastic details! That witch image is so cute and sassy! :)

  9. Cute candy bottles!
    Thanks for checkin out my card. :) I appreciated your comment.

  10. these images are so adorable, your cards are aweome.....your style is wonderful...have a great day!

    enjoy *~*

  11. So so cute! Love both your bottles and your card is adorable!


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