
Sunday, August 9, 2009

Black & White Flopsey

It feels so good to be back in my stamp room after our vacation. I didn't take any stamping stuff with me this time because we were moving around a lot, driving to visit both our families in Ontario, so I really wouldn't have had time to stamp anyway.

But, when we got home, my Bubble Bunny from MFT was waiting for me in the mailbox so I decided to get him inky right away. I thought it would be fun to use this Flopsey with the Black & White challenge in the MFT forum on Splitcoast.

I started by rooting through my paper collection and pulled out all the black and white patterned paper...I have way more than I thought I did! I ended up using some Bo Bunny paper along with solids of black, grey and white. The challenge says it's ok to use shades of grey and there can be some colour in the image, but everything else must be black and white.

Flopsey is stamped with Memento Tuxedo Black and coloured with Lyra pencils. I wanted to keep the colours on the image soft and I find it's easier to do that with pencils instead of copics. If you look closely you can see that the bubbles have a hint of light pink. I added some Hero Arts gemstones to the bath tub...shouldn't everyone have a sparkly tub?!?

The card base is 5 inches square. I ran the grey piece through my Tiny Bubbles Cuttlebug folder then added some ribbon from my stash. I layered some Primas onto a ghost flower and finished it with a black brad.

I don't often think of using only black, white and grey, but I really like how this turned out! Thanks for the challenge Joanne and Christina!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love this, Karen!! Great job with the black-and-white challenge!

  2. what a great card! i love black and white!! :) glad you are back!!

  3. Wait you didn't tell me you order flopsey! He's so darn cute now I need this one too

  4. Awww Karen, Flopsey looks so comfy in that tub. Love your black and white take on the sketch! I just love everything Flopsey. I have the Chocolate Flopsey on the way to me from the new release:))

  5. What a pretty black and white card! I find those difficult but yours is perfect.

  6. I love a black and white flopsey!!! My brain never would have thought of that!!! YOU ROCK!!

  7. Oooh... lovin' the black and white Flopsey! Gotta get this one inky, myself!


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