
Sunday, July 19, 2009

No copics and almost all SU!

Here's a card that's nearly all SU! I know...I haven't done that in a while!
I really felt like watercolouring yesterday so I reached for my Spring Song stamp those birds! I find this type of set is perfect for watercolouring because SU has already done the shading lines for me so I don't have to guess where to put the darker shades. The layout is the Weekend Sketch #89 hosted by Lori Craig. I also incorporated the Limited Supplies Challenge #229 on Splitcoast (to use your wedding or high school colours and at least one clip or staple or phototurn).

So I decided to use my wedding colour (because my high school colours were just horrid, in my humble opinion), light blue. I needed an accent colour so I chose light yellow because it goes so well with blue and also because the white flowers in the centerpieces had yellow centers, although it wasn't an official colour. Everything is SU except the ribbon and button.

I stamped the image with black Stazon onto watercolour paper, cut it out with oval Nesties and watercoloured it with an aquapainter and reinkers. I cut out the bird and two flowers and popped them for dimension. I added a light shading of blush blossom around the entire image to tone down the white paper, but after I did this I realized white would have been a wedding colour too...oh well, too late now.

Once I had my card assembled I had no place for the sentiment so I added it under the image and secured it with a mini library clip. A fun little accent I wouldn't have thought to do if I wasn't trying to complete the Limited Supplies Challenge.

I realize that I need more practice watercolouring, but I'm quite happy with how this turned out and it was fun to set my copics aside for a completely different look.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. wow how amazing!! love it:)

  2. AWWWWWWESOME coloring and I love your ribbon treatment!

  3. This is a great card Karen! And what a neat idea to hide the sentiment behind the image - wonderful!

  4. Beautiful - your watercolouring is lovely! I love the hidden message - very clever my friend.

  5. YEAH!!!! No COPICS.......thanks for doing that....everything seems to be copic and I think we can do just as well with what we have.
    Laurie VF

  6. More practice? This is fantastic. Your colouring technique is great.


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